
In 1918, “Piccato Tommaso” was founded by its namesake founder with headquarters in Turin at 5 Via Bisalta. At that time horses, The so-called “TUMBAREL” in Piedmont's dialect, were used to transport coal and wood for heating.

After the end of World War I, the first Fiat 18 B.L. were purchased by the army and were used from 1920 to about the mid-1930s.

Registration with the Chamber of Commerce takes place in 1927.

From 1931 to 1939, Fiat 634s nicknamed “Giants” were purchased because of their size, which was out of the ordinary at the time. This period also saw the birth of The company's social colors that are still used today, namely the Italian flag on the front grille with a 45-degree slant and the black/white bands at the bottom of the front bumper.

On the eve of World War II, the vehicles were requisitioned by the Royal Army.

At the end of World War II, transportation technology advanced, and in 1949 the first Fiat 680N was purchased.


From 1952, Fiat 682Ns and Lancia 3Ròs began to travel with the first tanks used to transport bulk cement.

Since the 1960s, the fleet has been implemented by Fiat 690s

In 1978, the first vehicle not belonging to the Fiat group was purchased

In 1984 came the first Piacenza 2-axle semi-trailer, which combined with the 3-axle tractor with 3-axle lift allowed for greater agility in the mountains during the winter period.